Hamdan Award for Distinguished Personalities

The Hamdan Award for Distinguished Personalities is awarded to UAE nationals who have made outstanding and impactful contributions to the healthcare sector within the United Arab Emirates.


Eligibility Criteria

v  The applicant must be a UAE national.

v  The application is open to professionals in healthcare sector in the UAE, including physicians (specialists and consultants), pharmacists, nurses, dentists, allied health professionals, and related fields.

v  The applicant must have worked for at least ten years in the healthcare sector.

v  The nominee's contributions must extend beyond clinical practice and scientific research to broader areas of healthcare improvement in the UAE, including but not limited to:

o   Teaching, training, and communication:

§  Developing programs and training courses

§  Establishing joint educational programs

§  Mentorship

§  Participation in conferences

§  Knowledge sharing with the public and media

o   Administrative and leadership responsibilities:

§  Driving change and demonstrating commitment to improving healthcare standards

§  Establishing centers and departments

§  Policy-making, developing action plans, and contributing to committees

§  Building local and international partnerships

o   Community health initiatives:

§  Creating patient groups and databases

§  Facilitating healthcare access, awareness, and community support

§  Voluntary services or humanitarian work within or outside the UAE

v  Previous winners of the award are not eligible to apply.


Terms & Conditions

v  Applications must be submitted through the designated submission platform.

v  Self-nominations and nominations from entities or institutions where the nominee is employed are accepted.

v  Nominating entities may recommend up to three candidates, considering various healthcare professional backgrounds.

v  The decision of the judging committee is final and cannot be appealed.

v  The Foundation reserves the right to amend or cancel the award at any time, with or without providing reasons or prior notice.

v  The Foundation reserves the right to withdraw the award if it is found that the winner has violated any eligibility criteria, award terms, research ethics, scientific integrity, intellectual property rights, or for any other reason deemed valid by the foundation.

v  The Foundation may publish the winner's summarised profile on its website and media platforms.


Submission Requirements

v  The application must be submitted in English.

v  The nominee’s CV.

v  A nomination letter (maximum 500 words outlining the nominee's achievements, contributions, and the impact of their work), signed by the relevant authority in the institution (e.g., hospital director, medical director, human resources, or direct supervisor).

v  Supporting documents: Any relevant documents such as publications, recommendation letters, certificates, or project summaries that substantiate the nominee's accomplishments.

v  A valid passport copy.


Incentives and Rewards

The award is granted to two individuals, each receiving a monetary prize of AED 200,000, along with a trophy and a certificate of excellence.