Educate Me Foundation
EgyptSchool Transformation Journey (Egypt): School Transformation Journey, of the Educate Me Foundation, is a three-year programme, launched in 2015, that seeks to develop dialogue and understanding between schools and their local administrations. By disseminating a culture of self-reliance among school-based educators, it creates an environment that fosters the exchange of knowledge and experiences among educators. Well trained and qualified teachers implement the programme, which develops the capacities of educators in each school until they become experts in the field of ICT learning. To date, the programme has reached 6,000 educators, 430 public schools and 7 Governorates across Egypt.

Telefónica Vivo Foundation
BrazilThe Escolas Conectadas (Connected Schools) platform of the Telefónica Vivo Foundation was launched in 2015 to promote the inclusion of educators in digital culture and foster the development of ICT skills among students. The platform offers 38 distance education courses on a wide range of subjects. The courses last four weeks and target basic education teachers (with students aged 6 to 18) from all over Brazil. Some of them also target school administrators and managers. In 2019, the project reached 65,000 educators in 1,483 different municipalities from all of the 26 states and the Federal District of Brazil.

Centre of Digital Inclusion
PortugalApps for Good (Portugal): Apps for Good, implemented since 2015 by CDI (Centre of Digital Inclusion) Portugal, is a digital education programme that challenges students and teachers to develop applications for smartphones or tablets, showing them the potential technology has to transform their communities. It is also a tool to bridge the gap between the classroom and real-world industries. Over 80% of the teachers who participated in the programme reported that it had improved their digital knowledge and skills. Over the past six years it has reached 13,080 students and 1,133 teachers from 448 schools, who in turn have developed over 1,000 digital solutions.