Local Distinguished Teacher Award

The Distinguished Teacher Award is an award presented to a teacher whose performance exceeds basic specialization and profession competencies to achieving higher, unique and impressive competencies.


Award domain


Application Conditions

Applicants for the award must meet the following conditions:

  • The applicant should have an instructional position and practice teaching in one of the government or private schools during the nomination period for the award.
  • Teachers may apply for the award annually, but previous winners are not eligible to reapply.
  • The award applicant must have obtained a rating that exceeds expectation (Outstanding) in the annual performance evaluation in one of the three required years for nomination, and not less than a grade of "Very Good” or meeting the required expectations in the remaining two years .
  • The applicant must represent a single school .
  • If the teacher works in a private school, they must attach an official letter from the school administration confirming their full-time employment .
  • The teacher must submit a recent video clip of a complete lesson lasting for 45 minutes or a similar duration, depending on the educational level. The video should clearly state the date and time at the beginning of the class; the provided lesson must be performed within a year of submitting the application.
  • The teacher's experience in the teaching field must be no less than three years .
  • Attending the orientation workshop organized by Hamdan Foundation.
  • Commitment to the submission deadlines set by the Hamdan Foundation .
  • Submission of recommendation letters from the school principal and a colleague teacher.


Special conditions for applicants from GCC countries: In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, the applicant must:

  • The teacher must be a citizen of the country from which they are applying within the country.
  • The teacher must have either received one of the distinction awards in the teacher category at the regional or ministerial level, or has obtained a certificate from the Ministry of Education confirming their excellence and eligibility for nomination for the award.

Incentives and Rewards

The winning teacher receives a cash reward of AED 60,000, an “Excellence Trophy,” attends the Honoring Ceremony, and is eligible to be enrolled in a training program.